Защо правоъгълникът изчезна, а дъгата остана след задаването на командата?

AutoCAD Формула 3D AutoCAD

Защо правоъгълнкикът изчезна, а дъгата остана след задаването на командата?

Може би,защото от два обекта създава един. Аз така си го обяснявам.

Това се контролира от системната променлива DELOBJ

Ето от хелпа:

Controls whether geometry used to create 3D objects is retained or deleted.


All defining geometry is retained.


Deletes profile curves, including those used with the EXTRUDESWEEPREVOLVE, and LOFT commands. Removes all defining geometry for CONVTOSOLID,CONVTOSURFACE, and MESHSMOOTH commands. Cross sections used with the LOFT command are also deleted.


Deletes all defining geometry, including paths and guide curves used with the SWEEP and LOFT commands.


Displays prompts to delete profile curves, including those used with the EXTRUDE, SWEEP, REVOLVE, and LOFT commands. Prompts to remove cross sections used with the LOFT command.

The original geometry for CONVTOSOLID, CONVTOSURFACE, and MESHSMOOTH commands is removed without prompting.


Displays prompts to delete all defining geometry, including paths and guide curves used with the SWEEP and LOFT commands.

The original geometry for CONVTOSOLID, CONVTOSURFACE, and MESHSMOOTH commands is removed without prompting.

Тоест ако заложиш delobj 0 - първичните обекти ще останат,

при другите опции контролираш при кои команди остават и при кои не

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